Originally wanting to go into business administration, Andy Jaramillo later decided to study architecture and minor in business administration. She had always had a love for art, so she knew she would enjoy and earn a good income by going into architecture and business.

“My interests change every year but they are always art related,” Jaramillo said, “As of now it’s photography and painting.”
She plans on having pets in college, specifically, her Rottweiler and Pitbull mix named Ozzy. And because Andy plans on living at home throughout college she won’t have to worry about being able to keep her dogs with her, thanks to not living in a dorm.
While she is excited to be transitioning into college life and wasn’t the biggest fan of high school work, she will still miss the teachers who pushed her to make it this far.
“Mrs. Fey, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Delgado have been supporting me throughout the years,” Jaramillo said. “I don’t think I would be where I am right now if it weren’t for them.”