Brian Murray is the Editor-In-Chief of the school’s newspaper and he is not planning to stop there. He will be attending UT Austin to major in Journalism, and he plans to go into law in the future. He is ready to see journalism in the real world and is thrilled about the work he is leaving behind.
“I’ve seen other high schools work, we are keeping up with them,” Murray said. “I am so proud of the work we’ve done.”
He wants to leave his legacy of being the school’s first editor-in-chief and staff member of the writing center alongside Camille. His literary skills will not be unnoticed as he has found great success through his work, especially from teachers.
“I hear Mrs. Fey say ‘You’re going to be the next Brian,’ a lot,” Murray said. “So, I think I would be known for my writing.”
Even though he has accomplished a lot here on campus, he is eager to experience new things in a new city.
“I’ve always wanted to go to more concerts,” Murray said. “And because I’m in Austin, I think I should experience it live.”
One major thing to take away from Murray is his immense arsenal of information and humble foundation. He wishes to be the creator of amazing products and move forward with his academic momentum.