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The Student News Site of Hill Country College Preparatory High School

The Wingspan

The Wingspan

The Wingspan

Dahlia Rios

Courtesy of Dahlia Rios.

Dahlia Rios is her schools’ beacon of art and has made waves within her community. From hand-painting her school’s first-ever yearbook cover, to decorating the walls of countless homes with her captivating artwork, her passion for art resonates far beyond mere admiration. 

Described as a mentor to many, Rios guides her peers in improving their art. But her influence extends beyond the classroom; her remarkable talent has garnered recognition, earning her numerous awards and accolades.

Courtesy of Dahlia Rios.

“I’ve received a lot of awards, more than I can count unless I find all of them,” Rios said. “I owe most of my awards to Mrs. Jones for making me enter my art in countless contests and shows.”

Throughout Rios’s four years in high school, Mrs. Jones and Rios shared a unique and enduring bond.

“My first impression of Dahlia was not like the other students,” Jones said. “According to others, she was scary, but I saw her as introspective, she was always thinking and that is what makes her art awesome, she wants to show others her ideas of the world through art.”

Soon after graduating from high school, Rios is to embark on an exciting journey pursuing her passion for art. With unwavering determination and boundless creativity, she eagerly anticipates delving deeper into the realm of artistic expression, ready to carve her own path and make her mark on the world. As of now, she wants to get into a tattoo apprenticeship.

Courtesy of Dahlia Rios.

“I thought of what it is I really like to do,” Rios said.  “That being art and being creative. I’m one of the lucky. I’m lucky in the fact that I have a passion that I hold so much love for and I’m using that passion to help guide me in this big step into the future.”

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About the Contributor
Thomas Treviño
Thomas Treviño, Photo Editor
Thomas Treviño is an aspiring Journalist who has a taste for fashion, art, photography, and everything in between. Treviño is going on his second year as being Photo Editor for The Wingspan and really wants to gauge his personal improvement in his photo-taking skills as well as produce the best possible photos for the publication. When he's not in school, you can find Treviño hanging out with his friends, doing school work, or making TikToks about US History for his peers. As of this school year, Treviño has been elected as National Honor Society Historian on the basis of his experience as the Photo Editor. 
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