New Teacher on the Block
Ms. Franklin is excited to be a part of the HCCPHS family. She received her name sign on Oct. 31.
October 31, 2022
HCCPHS has its first-ever Debate and Journalism class, marking an important moment in our school’s history. The only problem was the absence of a teacher for the first three weeks of school. The Journalism and Debate classes were lost due to not having an experienced teacher, but this was all before Ms. Franklin came into the picture.
Franklin originally worked at Judson Middle School and Dobie Junior High. In the past, she had aspirations to become a teacher; this wish came from her former teachers Ms. Beck and Ms. Banks, who showed her what it was like to be a teacher.
“I try to be open-minded and help the kids be creative in their writing, like my past teachers who supported me,” Franklin said. This has been shown in her teaching process as she allows students to show their true colors in her classes.
Her knowledge in the Journalism field came from her high school days when she was part of the high school Journalism class. This helped her tremendously when she was offered a position to teach a Journalism class. After teaching for six years, she decided to take a break from teaching.
“I took a five-month break from teaching; then I woke up one Sunday morning and decided I wanted to return to the classroom,” Franklin said. “I applied for this position at HCCPHS and I got a phone call from Ms. Wiley for an interview.”
During an interview with five campus representatives, Franklin showed a positive attitude and her open mindedness throughout the interview which made her stand out compared to the other candidates. She was considered to be overqualified although it was difficult to recruit a teacher who was able to teach and AVID, Debate, and Journalism class.
“She’s done a tremendus job of bringing the passion and interest toward what she does,” Principal Mrs. Wiley said. “She wants to do a great job and is a good listener toward her students.”
After being vetted during the interview process, she was chosen as a prime candidate for this profession. Later, getting the position she had to meet the new students and jump into the rigorous lessons that the students were learning. She got to know the students and now she is part of the HCCPHS family.
“I am very excited to be here and be a part of this great school,” Franklin said. I cannot wait to work with my new students and fellow teachers.”