Time Management with Study Hall

Brian Murray

Students work with Mr. Muenich to cover in-depth material. Study time is precious to HCCPHS students.

Brian Murray and Carolina Carranza

   The administration has taken the initiative to embed systems and structures within our day-to-day to maximize student academic opportunities, including block scheduling (unique to only two out of the 32 campuses in Comal), and multiple study halls offered throughout the week. Hill Country has already demonstrated that they have the capacity to operate differently than other comprehensive high schools in the district, and students are vocal about seeing our school continue to adapt to meet the student body’s needs.

   As this year goes on, some students are challenged with not having enough time to get their assignments and projects completed, and are seeking in-school opportunities to get help. 

   “Something that should take 30 minutes ends up taking me an hour and a half,” sophomore Abbey Shultz said.

    Our school offers students time to complete work they could not do at home each morning, and study hall at least twice a week, giving students some extra time.

   “I rely on morning tutorials and advisory time,” said Shultz. 

   These designated work times have helped students meet harsh deadlines, get peer feedback on work, and study for upcoming assessments.

   “I would really like more in-school study hall time since I feel like I have minimal time when I’m at home,” junior Camille Hanson said. “I think [Hill Country] could spend less time on things that students have loudly voiced negative opinions on for the sake of the community, and more time on things that will help us academically.” 

   Students are unsatisfied with Family Time and Circle Time, and Junior Advisor Mr. Kelley is looking to implement change.

   “I have a lot of juniors stressing about DC English and U.S. History, and they wanted more study halls,” Kelley said. 

   The faculty has attempted to incorporate Focused Study Times to give students more time to complete their homework.

   “Instead of going through and doing [Family Time and Circle Time] activities, we’re doing these study groups that can get you help in certain subjects,” Kelley said.

   Each year, students are trying to get their schoolwork done by using their class time and collaborating with their peers to get their projects in by deadlines. Having enough time for students to get work done is critical for students to learn how to balance their outside of school commitments such as work, home responsibilities, after-school activities, and more.